Apr 20, 2012

Install EAC under Ubuntu 12.04

I encountered a problem like this:0207XXXX -> Access Violation
Then after some googling, I solved it and memo it down.

Install Wine 1.3
Download EAC from its site
Install EAC through wine
Enter the terminal and find the directory, run the command:
~/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/ExactAudioCopy$wine regsvr32 sql*
(I removed the spaces in default name from EAC wizard
because I don't know how to enter a dir such as "E A C")

It will say like this:

Successfully registered DLL sqlceca35.dll
fixme:msvcr90:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x7d69ab08) stub
DllRegisterServer not implemented in DLL sqlcecompact35.dll
fixme:msvcr90:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x7d315cb0) stub
Successfully registered DLL sqlceoledb35.dll
fixme:msvcr90:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x7d426398) stub
DllRegisterServer not implemented in DLL sqlceqp35.dll
fixme:msvcr90:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x7d7e5ad8) stub
DllRegisterServer not implemented in DLL sqlcese35.dll
fixme:msvcr90:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x7d5a312c) stub 
In the wine configure set path:
Drives -> Z: -> Path: /dev/sr1 (In my case)
Launch the EAC change the interface:
EAC Options -> Interface ->
1.Installed external ASPI interface  3.Native Win32 interface for XP/..
(No.1 works for me in my computer and relaunch the EAC after changing)